Permeable Paving Design - Sustainable Style For Your NZ Property

Custom permeable paving design in a modern landscape setting

Sustainable and Visually Appealing Permeable Paving Solutions

Permeable paving is a wonderful choice for any paving project if you value sustainability and environmentally conscious choices. However, it’s not just eco-friendly - it can also be very visually appealing, adding to your NZ property in many ways.

Whether it’s used for driveways, pathways, parking lots, commercial areas, public spaces or other areas, permeable paving is an innovative solution to manage stormwater and water runoff while being visually pleasing.

What Is Permeable Paving? A Green Choice For New Zealanders

Permeable paving, which is sometimes called porous asphalt or permeable pavement, is a type of paving solution that’s cleverly designed to allow water to flow through the surface and into the ground underneath. Conversely, standard concrete and pavers typically don’t allow this, causing water to flow over rather than through.

Permeable pavers and concrete are created without any sand and installed over an aggregate base. This design creates interconnected voids and cells so water can flow through the otherwise strong structure. As water flows through, the concrete can filter out potentially harmful substances like motor oil and dangerous chemicals before they reach local bodies of water.

How To Choose The Design For Your New Permeable Paving

How can you make your new pavers perfect for your NZ property? Here are a few design considerations for your permeable pavement project:

Design And Installation. We at AquaPave know that each and every one of our clients is unique, as are your preferences and needs. We can talk about the ways we can install permeable pavements or concrete on your property and which ways are the most aesthetically pleasing for you. 

We can talk about different shapes for pathways, concrete lots and so on. We can also look at previous pavement projects we’ve worked on so that you can gain inspiration for your own space.

Pavement Colours. Although many people think of greys and blacks when they think of ‘pavement’ or ‘concrete,’ our pavers are available in a stunning range of colours. While we do have classic blacks, greys and beiges, we also have a rainbow of other colours if you’d prefer more vibrant pavers. Our colours include everything from beautiful and warm terracotta hues to deep and cool marine blue colours. So, even if you want something a bit unorthodox, we have the permeable pavers for you. 

Concrete Finishes. We at AquaPave also have a few finish options available, and we can discuss the qualities of each one with you so that you can make an informed decision about which is right for your particular pavement needs. Our finishes can give your paving design a strong surface, maximising your permeable pavement's infiltration rate and permeability. 

Design layout of permeable paving for drainage

Why Choose AquaPave Permeable Pavers? Quality Permeable Pavements

Why should you choose our pavers over alternative options? What should you know about our permeable paver solutions? When the weather gets rainy, it’s common for pooling and flooding to occur. This can lead to water damage, erosion and other kinds of property damage, and it’s best to take smart proactive measures to prevent water damage to your NZ property.

Luckily, preventing damage is easy when you choose permeable concrete and pavers. These solutions let rainwater flow through rather than over, so it doesn’t pool and cause damage. Instead, it can be safely filtered through the concrete and returned to natural groundwater reserves. This means that permeable pavements are a good option for you as a property owner and are beneficial for local wildlife and ecosystems. We at AquaPave specialise in essential sustainable drainage solutions with our permeable paving options, and we strive to improve NZ properties in eco-friendly ways.

We pride ourselves on offering our NZ clients high-quality, long-lasting and visually pleasing solutions made from dependable materials, and we will do everything we can to exceed your expectations. Together, we can make New Zealand a greener, safer place. 

Discover Your Perfect Permeable Paving Design With AquaPave

Does permeable paving seem like a great option for your property? Contact our AquaPave team, and we can explore our many design options with you. When you choose AquaPave, you’re choosing quality and sustainability.